Top 10 College Football Uniforms in 2020! Part 1

2020 brought us many things, mostly bad. Come October 2020 gave us the best gift, college football. Any college football season must include companies such as Nike, Adidas, and Under Amour to get creative; whether that is long sleeve jerseys or even uniforms that resemble ducks. These are the 10 through 6 best uniforms of 2020.

Thomas Clark
3 min readJan 16, 2021

10. Florida 1960’s Throwback

A simplistic look, lots of blue on the jersey but the orange and white stripes on the shoulder compliment the uniform perfectly. The helmet, on the other hand, a matte blue with the circled F makes this uniform up and above the rest.

9. TCU’s “Blood Frogs” Uniform

A uniform that was unveiled to the world last year. They were so good I had to put them on this year’s list when they brought them back to wear against my K-State Wildcats. They get a lot of jokes because of the red but, it goes so well with the purple and black theme.

8. Air Force “Tuskegee Airmen” Alternate

With all the money the U.S pours into the military the universities better have some of the best uniforms. This is a great example, during this list you will notice there are a good amount of gray uniforms. Gray just fits so perfectly.

7. Oregon “Wolf Grey”

Another gray uniform, Oregon is the Arnold Schwarzenegger to alternate uniforms. They are so innovative in the way they create and come up with uniforms every year. This isn’t the last time you will see Oregon.

6. Nebraska “Blackshirts” alternate

An ode to the old Nebraska defense’s that were scary. Just because they are white like the surrender flag they fly every week doesn’t mean they can’t be called that. This is still a beautiful jersey with the white and black being very contradicting to the point that it looks great. They were supposed to play in these against Wisconsin until their game was canceled.

That is all for this week, come back next week for 5–1. It is going to be great!

